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Dr. Ignacio Poblete

Director del Laboratorio en Ingeniería en Biosistemas (, BEL) donde se desarrollan las áreas de bioprocesos e ingeniería metabólica de microorganismos para la producción de químicos de interés industrial y bioconversión de . compuestos recalcitrantes y tóxicos. Actualmente explotamos las capacidades metabólicas y creamos nuevas rutas biosintéticas en células bacterianas productoras de biopolímeros, ácidos orgánicos y aromáticos, nanoparticulas metálicas y carotenoides. Usamos bacterias ambientales para la remediación de diesel, PCBs, y metales pesados contenidos en distintos efluentes.
- Borrero de Acuña, JM, Poblete-Castro I*. Rational engineering of natural polyhydroxyalkanoates producing microorganisms for improved synthesis and recovery. 2022. Microbial Biotechnology.
- Bobadilla-Fazzini RA, Poblete-Castro I*. Biofilm formation is crucial for efficient copper bioleaching from bornite under mesophilic conditions: unveiling the lifestyle and catalytic role of sulfur-oxidizing bacteria. 2021. Frontiers in Microbiology. 12:761997.
- Acosta A, Antipán J, Fernández M, Prado G, Sandoval-Altamirano C, Günther G, Gutiérrez-Urrutia I, Poblete-Castro I, Vega A, Pizarro N. Photochemistry of P, N-bidentate rhenium (i) tricarbonyl complexes: reactive species generation and potential application for antibacterial photodynamic therapy. 2021. RSC Advances 11:31959–31966.
- Hoffmann, M. Kohlstedt, L. Jungmann, M. Hutter, I. Poblete-Castro, J. Becker, C. Wittmann. Cascaded valorization of brown seaweed to produce l-lysine and value-added products using Corynebacterium glutamicum streamlined by systems metabolic engineering. 2021. Metabolic Engineering. 67, 297-307.
- Borrero de Acuña, M. Rhode, C. Saldias,I Poblete-Castro*. Fed-batch mcl-Polyhydroxyalkanoates production in Pseudomonas putida KT2440 and ΔphaZ mutant on biodiesel-derived crude glycerol. 2021. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 9, 642023.
- I Poblete-Castro, SL Hoffmann, J Becker, C Wittmann. Cascaded valorization of seaweed using microbial cell factories. 2021. Current Opinion in Biotechnology 65, 102-113.
- JM Borrero‐de Acuña, I Gutierrez‐Urrutia, C Hidalgo‐Dumont, C Aravena‐Carrasco, M Orellana‐Saez, N Palominos‐Gonzalez, JBJH van Duuren, V Wagner, L Gläser, J Becker, M Kohlstedt, FC Zacconi, C Wittmann, I Poblete‐Castro*. Channelling carbon flux through the meta‐cleavage route for improved poly (3‐hydroxyalkanoate) production from benzoate and lignin‐based aromatics in Pseudomonas putidaH 2020. Microbial Biotechnology.
- JM Borrero-de Acuña, I Poblete-Castro*. Expanding the reach of recombineering to environmental bacteria. 2020. Trends in Biotechnology 38 (7), 684-685.
- I Poblete-Castro, C Aravena-Carrasco, M Orellana-Saez, N Pacheco, A Cabrera, JM. Borrero-de Acuña. Engineering the Osmotic State of Pseudomonas putida KT2440 for Efficient Cell Disruption and Downstream Processing of Poly(3-Hydroxyalkanoates). 2020. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology8, 161.
- I Poblete-Castro, C Wittmann, PI. Nikel. Biochemistry, genetics and biotechnology of glycerol utilization in Pseudomonas species. 2020. Microbial Biotechnology13 (1), 32-53.
- van Duuren, J. B., de Wild, P., Starck, S., Bradtmöller, C., Selzer, M., Mehlmann, K., Schneider, R., Kohlstedt, M., Poblete-Castro, I., Stolzenberger, J., Barton, N., Fritz, M., Scholl, S., Venus, J. & Wittmann, C. Limited life cycle and cost assessment for the bioconversion of lignin‐derived aromatics into adipic acid. 2020. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 117 (5), 1381-1393.
- T Godard, D Zühlke, G Richter, M Wall, M Rohde, K Riedel, I Poblete-Castro, R Krull, R Biedendieck. Metabolic Rearrangements Causing Elevated Proline and Polyhydroxybutyrate Accumulation During the Osmotic Adaptation Response of Bacillus megaterium. 2020. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology8, 47.
- C Pardo-Esté, J Castro-Severyn, GI. Krüger, CE. Cabezas, AC. Briones, C Aguirre, N Morales, MS Baquedano, YN Sulbaran-Bracho, AA Hidalgo, C Meneses, I Poblete-Castro, E Castro-Nallar, MA Valvano and CP Saavedra. The transcription factor ArcA modulates Salmonella’s metabolism in response to neutrophils hypochlorous acid-mediated stress. 2019. Frontiers in Microbiology10, 2774.
- M Orellana-Saez, N Pacheco, JI Costa, KN Mendez, MJ Miossec, C Meneses, E Castro-Nallar, AE Marcoleta, I Poblete-Castro*. In-depth genomic and phenotypic characterization of the Antarctic psychrotolerant strain Pseudomonas sp. MPC6 reveals unique metabolic features, plasticity, and biotechnological potential. Frontiers in Microbiology 10, 1154.
- N Pacheco, M Orellana-Saez, M Pepczynska, J Enrione, M Bassas-Galia, JM Borrero-de Acuña, FC Zacconi, AE Marcoleta, I Poblete-Castro*. Exploiting the natural poly (3-hydroxyalkanoates) production capacity of Antarctic Pseudomonas strains: from unique phenotypes to novel biopolymers.Journal of industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology 46 (8), 1139-1153.
- JM Borrero-de Acuña, C Aravena-Carrasco, I Gutierrez-Urrutia, D Duchens, I Poblete-Castro*. Enhanced synthesis of medium-chain-length Poly (3-hydroxyalkanoates) by inactivating the tricarboxylate transport system of Pseudomonas putidaKT2440 and process development using waste vegetable oil. Process Biochemistry 77, 23-30.
- I Gutierrez-Urrutia, MJ Miossec, SL Valenzuela, C Meneses, VAP Martins dos Santos, E Castro-Nallar, I Poblete-Castro*. Genome sequence of two members of the chloroaromatic-degrading MT community: Pseudomonas reinekei MT1 and Achromobacter xylosoxidans 2018. Journal of Biotechnology 275, 13-16.
- Oliva-Arancibia B, Órdenes-Aenishanslins N, Bruna N, Ibarra PS, Zacconi FC, Pérez-Donoso JM, Poblete-Castro I.* Co-synthesis of medium-chain-length polyhydroxyalkanoates and CdS quantum dots nanoparticles in Pseudomonas putida2017. Journal of Biotechnology 264, 29-37.
- JM Borrero-de Acuña, C Hidalgo-Dumont, N Pacheco, A Cabrera, I Poblete-Castro. A novel programable lysozyme-based lysis system in Pseudomonas putidafor biopolymer production. Scientific Report 7 (1), 4373.
- CE Torres-Cerna, AY Alanis, I Poblete-Castro, EA Hernandez-Vargas. Batch cultivation model for biopolymer production. Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Quarterly 31, 8.
- M Varas, C Valdivieso, C Mauriaca, J Ortíz-Severín, A Paradela, I Poblete-Castro, R Cabrera, FP Chávez. Multi-level evaluation of Escherichia colipolyphosphate related mutants using global transcriptomic, proteomic, and phenomic analysis. 2017. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-General Subjects 4, 871-883.
- Beckers V, Poblete-Castro I, Tomasch J, Wittmann C.Integrated analysis of gene expression and metabolic fluxes of PHA-producing Pseudmonas putida grown on glycerol. Microbial Cell Factories 15, 73.
- Vizoso P, Pacheco N, Bastias-Molina M, Meneses C, Poblete-Castro I*.Draft Genome Sequence of the Phenol-Degrading Bacterium Pseudomonas putida 2015. Genome Announcement 3, 4.
- Poblete-Castro I*,Binger D, Oehlert R, Rohde M. Comparison of mcl-Poly(3-hydroxyalkanoates) synthesis by different Pseudomonas putida strains from crude glycerol: citrate accumulates at high titer under PHA-producing conditions. BMC Biotechnology 14, 962.
- Borrero-de Acuña JM, Bielecka A, Häussler S, Schobert M, Jahn M, Wittmann C, Jahn D, Poblete-Castro I*. Production of medium chain length polyhydroxyalkanoate in metabolic flux optimized Pseudomonas putida. Microbial Cell Factories 13, 88.
- Poblete-Castro I*, Rodriguez A, Lam, C, Kessler W. Improved production of medium-chain-length Polyhydroxyalkanotes in glucose-based fed-batch cultivations of metabolically engineered Pseudomonas putida2014. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 24 (1), 59-69.
- Poblete-Castro I, Binger D, Rodriguez A, Becker J, dos Santos VAP, Wittmann C. In-silico driven metabolic engineering of Pseudomonas putida for the enhanced production of polyhydroxyalkanoates. Metabolic Engineering 15, 113-123.
- Poblete-Castro I*, Escapa I, Jager C, Puchalka J, Lam C, Shomburg D, Prieto MA, dos Santos VAP. The metabolic response of Pseudomonas putida KT2442 producing high levels of polyhydroxyalkanoates under single- and multiple-nutrient-limited growth: Highlights from a multi- level omics approach. Microbial Cell Factories 11, 34.
- Poblete-Castro I, Becker J, Dohnt K, dos Santos V, Wittmann C. Industrial biotechnology of Pseudomonas putida and related species. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 93(6), 2279- 2290.
2021-2024 Proyecto Fondecyt Regular ANID. Turning plastic into bioplastic: Engineering Pseudomonas strains for the efficient synthesis of Polyhydroxyalkanoates from PET derived compounds. Investigador Principal.
2021-2024 Proyecto Fondecyt Regular ANID. Biopolymers production from solid urban wastes. Co-investigador.
2020-2023 Proyecto Anillo-ANID-PIA ACT192057. Long-range transport of xenobiotics and microorganisms: teleconnections and influence on terrestrial ecosystems. Subdirector.
2021-2022 Proyecto INACH RG_17_19. A systems-wide understanding of the Antarctic Pseudomonas frigusceleri MPC6 strain for fast-growing and novel biopolymer synthesis at low temperatures. Investigador Principal.
2017-2020 System-level analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana Pseudomonas syringae interaction: dual assessment of the transcriptomic and metabolomic responses to unravel bacterial effects leading to resistance or susceptibility through the regulatory node WRKY7/11/17, FONDECYT, Co-investigador.
2016-2019 LignoValue. BMBF. Germany. Co-investigador
2016- 2018 Systems metabolic engineering of Pseudomonas putida for the synthesis of tailor-made polyhydroxyalkanoates, FONDECYT. Investigador Principal