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Julián Quintero

- Tiago Lopes, Julián Quintero, Florbela Carvalheiro, Luis Duarte, Germán Aroca, Francisco Girio. Techno-economic and life cycle assessments of small-scale biorefineries for isobutene and xylo-oligosaccharides production: a comparative study in Portugal and Chile. Journal: Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining. DOI: 10.1002/bbb.2036, In Press. 8/07/2019
- Oliva-Rodriguez, Alejandra G.; Quintero, Julián; Medina-Morales, Miguel A.; Morales-Martinez, Thelma K.; Rodriguez-De la Garza, Jose A.; Moreno-Davila, Mayela; Aroca, German; Rios Gonzalez, Leopoldo J. Clostridium strain selection for co-culture with Bacillus subtilis for butanol production from agave hydrolysates. Bioresource Technology 275 (2019) 410-415. 27/12/2018
- Carlos García, Marjorie Morales, Julián Quintero, Germán Aroca, Carlos Cardona. Environmental assessment of hydrogen production based on Pinus patula plantations in Colombia. Energy, 139 (2017) 606-616. 12/08/2017
- Thelma Morales-Martínez, Deniss Diaz-Blanca, José Rondriguez-de la Garza, Jesús Morlett-Chávez, Agustín Castro-Montoya, Julián Quintero, Germán Aroca, Leopoldo Rios-González. Assessment of different saccharification and fermentation configurations for ethanol production from Agave lechuguilla. Bioresources, 12 (2017) 8093-8105. 15/09/2017
- Óscar Ortíz-Méndez, Telma Morales-Martínez, Leopoldo Rios-González, José Rodríguez-de la Garzz, Julián Quintero, Germán Aroca. Bioethanol production from Agave lechuguilla biomass pretreated by autohydrolysis. Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Química, 16 (2017) 467-476. 25/04/2017
- Marjorie Morales, Julián Quintero, Germán Aroca. Environmental assessment of the production and addition of bioethanol produced from Eucalyptus globulus to gasoline in Chile. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 22 (2017) 525-536. 16/04/2016
- Julián A. Quintero, Javier A. Dávila, Jonathan Moncada, Oscar H. Giraldo, Carlos A. Cardona. Analysis and characterization of starchy and cellulosic materials after enzymatic modification. DYNA 83, No. 197 (2016) 44-51.
- Roberto Gallardo, Alejandro Acevedo, Julián Quintero, Iván Paredes, Raúl Conejeros, Germán Aroca. In silico analysis of Clostridium acetobutylicum ATCC 824 metabolic response to an external electro supply. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 39 (2016) 295-305. 9/12/2015
- Julián Quintero, Carlos Cardona, Erika Felix, Jonathan Moncada, Juan C. Higuita. Techno-economic analysis of fuel ethanol production from cassava in Africa: The case of Tanzania. African Journal of Biotechnology, 14 (2015) 3082-3092. 11/12/2015
- Marjorie Morales, Julián Quintero, Raúl Conejeros, Germán Aroca. Life cycle assessment of lignocellulosic bioethanol: Environmental impacts and energy balance. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 42 (2015) 1349-1361. 1/02/2015
- Julián A. Quintero, Jonathan Moncada, Carlos A. Cardona. Techno-economic analysis of bioethanol production from lignocellulosic residues in Colombia: A process simulation approach, Bioresource Technology, 139 (2013) 300-307. 19/04/2013
- Felipe Scott, Julián Quintero, Marjorie Morales, Raúl Conejeros, Carlos Cardona, Germán Aroca. Process design and sustainability in the production of bioethanol from lignocellulosic materials, Electronic Journal of Biotechnology, 16, 3, (2013) 1-16. 15/05/2013
- Julián A. Quintero, Carlos A. Cardona, Erika Felix, Jonathan Moncada, Óscar J. Sánchez, Luis F. Gutiérrez. Techno-economic analysis of bioethanol production in Africa: Tanzania case. Energy, 48 (2012) 442-454. 1/12/2012
- Julián Quintero, Marianella Crisspín, Erika Felix, Luis E. Rincón, Carlos A. Cardona. Social and Techno-economical Analysis of Biodiesel Production in Peru, Energy Policy, 43 (2012) 427-435. 1/04/2012
- Cristian Triana, Julián A. Quintero, Roberto A. Agudelo, Carlos A. Cardona, Juan C. Higuita. Analysis of Coffee Cut-Stems as Raw Material for Fuel Ethanol Production, Energy, 36 (2011) 4182-4190. 1/07/2011
- Julián A. Quintero, Carlos A. Cardo Process Simulation of Fuel Ethanol Production from Lignocellulosics Using Aspen Plus, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 50 (2011) 6205-6212 5/04/2011
- Diego Piarpuzán, Julián Quintero, Carlos A. Cardona. Empty Fruit Bunches from Oil Palm as a Potential Raw Material for Fuel Ethanol Production, Biomass and Bioenegy, 35 (2011) 1130-1137. 01/03/2011
- Carlos Cardona, Julián A. Quintero, Isabel C. Production of Bioethanol from Sugarcane Bagasse: Status and Perspectives, Bioresource Technology, 101 (2010) 4754-4766. Invited. 28/11/2009
- Carlos Cardona, Julián A. Quintero, Óscar J. Sánchez. Challenges in Fuel Ethanol Production, International Review of Chemical Engineering, 1 (6) (2009) 581 – 597.
- Julián A. Quintero, Carlos A. Cardona. Ethanol Dehydration by Adsorption with Starchy and Cellulosic Materials, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 1 (6) (2009) 581 – 18/06/2019
- Julián Quintero, María I. Montoya, Óscar J. Sánchez, Óscar H. Giraldo, Carlos A. Cardona. Fuel Ethanol Production from Sugarcane and Corn: Comparative Analysis from a Colombian Case, Energy, 33 (2008) 385-399. 1/03/2008
- Julián Quintero, María I. Montoya, Óscar J. Sánchez, Carlos A. Cardona. Evaluación de la deshidratación de alcohol carburante mediante simulación de procesos, Revista Biotecnología en el Sector Agropecuario y Agroindustrial, 5 (2) (2007) 72 – 83. 20/06/2007
- María Montoya, Julián A. Quintero, Óscar J. Sánchez, Carlos A. Cardona. Evaluación del Impacto ambiental del proceso de obtención de alcohol carburante utilizando el algoritmo de reducción de residuos, Revista Facultad de Ingeniería Universidad de Antioquia, 36 (1) (2006) 85 – 95. 1/03/2006
- Carlos Cardona, Óscar J. Sánchez, María I. Montoya, Julián A. Quintero. Producción de etanol carburante: Material Lignocelulósico una Nueva Alternativa, Ingeniería de Recursos Naturales y del Ambiente, 3 (1) (2006) 47 – 55. 1/09/2005
- María Montoya, Julián A. Quintero, Carlos A. Cardona. Selección de tecnologías apropiadas para la producción de etanol carburante, Ingeniería de Recursos Naturales y del Ambiente, 1 (2) (2004) 48 – 55. 2/07/2004
- Carlos Cardona, Óscar J. Sánchez, María I. Montoya, Julián A. Quintero. Simulación de los procesos de obtención de etanol a partir de caña de azúcar y maíz, Scientia Et Technica, 11 (28) (2005) 187 – 192. 28/10/2005
- María Montoya, Julián A. Quintero, Óscar J. Sánchez, Carlos A. Cardona. Evaluación económica del proceso de obtención de alcohol carburante a partir de caña de azúcar y maíz, Revista Universidad Eafit, 42 (2005) 76 – 87. 6/06/2012
2018 “Strengthening of the Research on Food Biotechnology at the Department of Chemical Engineering of the University of Santiago de Chile Institution: Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Santiago, Chile. Financial support: Attraction and Insertion of Advanced Human Capital Program, PAI Project Grant No. 77170008. Date: March 2018 – Current date.
2016 – 2018 “Development of Modular Small Scale Integrated Biorefineries to Produce an Optimal Range of Bioproducts from a variety of Rural Agricultural and Agroindustrial Residues/Wastes with a Minimum Consumption of Fossil Energy”. Institution: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Valparaíso, Chile. Financial support: ERANET-LAC Grant No. LAC2014/BEE0249. Date: March 2016 – August de 2018.
2015 – 2017 “Evaluation of bioethanol production from agave lechuguilla” Program of International Cooperation CONICYT/CONACYT. Institution: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Valparaíso, Chile. Financial support: International Cooperation Project Grant No. PCCI140053. Date: May 2015 – September 2017.
2015 -2017 “Techno-economic and environmental assessment of biorefineries from lignocellulosic wastes with microorganism recycling schemes”. Institution: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Valparaíso, Chile. Financial support: International Cooperation Project Grant No. PCCI140052, Program of International Cooperation. CONICYT/COLCIENCIAS. Date: May 2015 – May 2017.
2014 -2015 “Development of ethanol production technologies from biomass from existing and new lechuguilla (Agave lechuguilla) plantation in the north semi desertic regions of Mexico”. Institution: Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila, Saltillo, México. Financial support: Proyect SAGARPA-CONACYT Grant No. 2011-15-175404. Date: November 2014 – September 2015.
2013 -2016 “Butanol production”. Institution: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. Financial support: Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico (FONDECYT). Date: November 2013 – October 2016.
2013 “Development of a strategy for producing medium-chain alcohols for jet-fuel manufacturing”. Institution: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Valparaíso, Chile. Financial support: Innova Project Grant No. 12IDL1-16033. Date: May 2013 –June 2013.