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Cristina Villamar

Yanez, S., Márquez, C., Valenzuela, B., Villamar-Ayala, C. A. (2022). A Bibliometric-Statistical Review of Organic Residues as Cementitious Building Materials. Buildings, 12(5), 597.
Plaza-Garrido, A., Limaico, M., Villamar, C.A. (2022). Influence of wastewater treatment technologies on virus removal under a bibliometric-statistical analysis. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 47, 102642.
Villamar, C.A., Salazar, K., Montenegro, K., Huaraca, L., Costa-Conceicao, K. (2022). Preventive strategies for reuse and recycling of wastewater within the HDG production. Water Science and Technology, 85(1), 265-278.
Montenegro-Rosero, K., Villamar, C.A., Fernández, L.., Espinoza-Montero, P. (2022). Operational performance of corncobs/sawdust biofilters coupled to microbial fuel cells treating domestic wastewater. Science of The Total Environment, 151115.
Almeida, C., Frutos, M., Cuestas, J., Valenzuela, F., Tejedor, J., Rivadeneira, M.I., Villamar, C.A., Guerrero, V. (2021). Caffeine adsorptive performance and ecotoxicological characteristics (Eisenia foetida Savigny) of agro-industrial residues potentially suitable for vermifilter beds. Science of the Total Environment. 149666.
Tejedor, J., Cóndor, V., Almeida, C., Guerrero, V., Villamar, C.A. (2020). Performance of wood chips/peanut shells biofilters used to remove organic matter from domestic wastewater. Science of the Total Environment, 738, 139589.
Chicaiza, C., Huaraca, L., Almeida, C., Guerrero, V., Villamar, C.A. (2020). Improvement of organic matter and nutrient removal from domestic wastewater using intermittent hydraulic rates on earthworm-microorganism biofilters. Water Science and Technology, 82(2), 281-291.
Huaraca, L., Chamorro, S., Hernández, V., Bay-Schmith, E., Villamar, C.A. (2020). Comparative acute toxicity of glyphosate- based herbicide by Dapnia magna, Tisbe longicornis, and Emerita analoga. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B, 55(7), 646-654.
Almeida, C., Guachamín, G., Guerrero, V., Villamar, C.A. (2020). Heliconia stricta Huber behavior on hybrid constructed wetlands fed with synthetic domestic wastewater. Water, 12(5), 1373.
Villamar, C.A., Carrera-Cevallos, J.V., Vasquez-Medrano, R., Espinoza-Montero, P.J. (2019). Fate, eco-toxicological characteristics, and treatment processes applied to water polluted with glyphosate: A critical review. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology. 49(16), 1476-1514.
Guerrero, J.A., Almeida, C.E., Villamar, C.A. (2019). Improvement of nutrients removal from domestic wastewater by activated-sludge encapsulation with polyvinyl alcohol (PVA). Journal of Environmental Science and Health: Part: A. 54(8), 721-727.
Villamar, C.A., Vera, I., Rivera, D., de la Hoz, F. (2018). Reuse and recycling of livestock and municipal wastewater in Chilean agriculture: a preliminary assessment. Water, 10(6), 817 – 833.
Almeida, C., Espinoza, P., Muñoz, M. and Villamar, C.A. (2017). Hydraulic Retention Time influence on improving flocculation in the activated sludge processes through of polyelectrolytes. Water Air and Soil Pollution, 228(7), 1-9.
Villamar, C.A., Rivera, D., Aguayo, M. (2016). Anaerobic co-digestion plants for the revaluation of agricultural waste: sustainable location sites from a GIS analysis. Waste Management & Research, 34(4), 316-326.
Villamar, C.A., Rivera, D., Neubauer, M.E., Vidal, G. (2015). Nitrogen and phosphorus dynamics in a constructed wetland fed with treated swine slurry from an anaerobic lagoon. Journal of Environmental Science and Health: Part: A, 50(1), 60-71.
Ortíz, G., Villamar, C.A., Vidal, G. (2014). Odor from anaerobic digestion of swine slurry: influence of pH, temperature and organic loading. Scientia Agricola. 71(6), 443-450.
Villamar, C.A., Silva, J., Bay-Schmith, E., Vidal, G. (2014). Toxicity Evaluation Identification of anaerobically treated swine slurry: a comparison between Daphnia magna and Raphanus sativus. Journal of Environmental Science and Health: Part: B, 49(11), 880-888.
Villamar, C.A., Neubauer, M.E., Vidal, G. (2014). Distribution and availability of copper and zinc in a constructed wetland fed with treated swine slurry from an anaerobic lagoon. Wetlands, 34(3), 583- 591.
Plaza de los Reyes, C., Villamar, C.A., Neubauer, M., Pozo, G., Vidal, G. (2013). Behavior of Typha angustifolia L. in a free water surface constructed wetlands for the treatment of swine wastewater. Journal of Environment Science and Health, Part A. 48(10), 1216-1224.
Villamar, C.A., Rodríguez, D.C., López, D., Peñuela, M. and Vidal, G. (2013). Effect of the generation and physical-chemical characterization of swine and dairy slurries on treatment technologies. Waste Management & Research .31(8), 820-828.
Neubauer, M.E. Plaza de los Reyes, C. Pozo, G. Villamar C.A. and Vidal, G. (2012). Growth and nutrient uptake by Schoenoplectus californicus (C.A. Méyer) Sójak in a constructed wetland fed with swine slurry. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 12(3), 421-430.
Villamar, C.A., Cañuta, T., Belmonte, M. and Vidal, G. (2012). Characterization of swine wastewater by Toxicity Identification Evaluation Methodology (TIE). Water Air & Soil Pollution 223 (1), 363-369.
Pozo, G., Villamar, C.A., Martinez, M. and Vidal, G. (2012). Effect of organic load and nutrient ratio on the operation stability of the miving bed bioreactorfor kraft mill wastewater treatment and incidence of polyhydroxyalkanoare biosynthesis. Water Science and Technology .66(2), 370-376.
Pozo, G., Villamar, C.A., Martinez, M. and Vidal, G. (2011). Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) biosynthesis from kraft mill wastewater: biomass origin and C:N relationship influence. Water Science and Technology 6(3), 449-455.
Villamar, C.A., Jarpa, M., Decap, J. and Vidal, G. (2009). Aerobic moving bed bioreactor performance: A comparative study of removal efficiencies of kraft mill effluents from Pinus radiata and Eucalyptus globulus as raw material, Water Science and Technology. 59(3), 507-514.
2022 – 2025. Participación como investigadora patrocinante del proyecto Fondecyt Postdoc 3220570: Environmental persistence and impact of antibiotics and antibiotic-resistant microorganisms from rural domestic wastewater in Chile. Responsable: Dr. Angela Plaza – Universidad de Santiago de Chile – Santiago, Chile. Inicio: abril 2022 – Fin: abril 2025.
2022 - 2023. Participación como director del proyecto Vime 167-2022: “Fortalecimiento de competencias técnicas en operarios de plantas de tratamiento de residuos líquidos rurales ubicadas en las regiones Bernardo O´Higgins, Valparaíso y Metropolitana”. Responsable: Dr. Cristina Alejandra Villamar – Universidad de Santiago de Chile – Santiago, Chile. Inicio: marzo 2022 – Fin: marzo 2023.
2021 - 2022. Participación como director del proyecto Transfiere DGT-TR-2007: “Desarrollo de tecnología de biofiltración para el tratamiento de aguas residuales y la generación de subproductos con valor agregado”. Responsable: Dr. Cristina Alejandra Villamar – Universidad de Santiago de Chile – Santiago, Chile. Inicio: marzo 2021 – Fin: diciembre 2022.
2020 - 2021. Participación como investigador responsable del proyecto Postdoc 092118VA: “Estudio de la permanencia, interacción y tratamiento de contaminantes emergentes y microorganismos patógenos procedentes de aguas residuales domésticas”. Responsable: Dr. Cristina Alejandra Villamar – Universidad de Santiago de Chile – Santiago, Chile. Inicio: marzo 2021 – Fin: marzo 2022.
2019 - 2022. Participación como director del proyecto Fondecyt 11190352: “Incidence of Biofiltration processes on the Removal of Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Products from Domestic Wastewater”. Responsable: Dr. Cristina Alejandra Villamar – Universidad de Santiago de Chile – Santiago, Chile. Inicio: noviembre 2019 – Fin: octubre 2022 (junio 2023).
2019. Participación como director del proyecto DICYT 091918VA: “Evaluación estacional del potencial de revalorización de subproductos procedentes de biofiltros híbridos alimentados con aguas residuales domésticas”. Responsable: Dr. Cristina Alejandra Villamar – Universidad de Santiago de Chile – Santiago, Chile. Inicio: 4 marzo 2019 – Fin: marzo 2020.
2019. Participación como investigador colaborador en el proyecto PIS-18-01 (internacional): “Estudio de la remoción de contaminantes emergentes usando residuos agroindustriales dentro de procesos de filtración como alternativa de saneamiento”. Responsable: Dr. Victor Guerrero – Escuela Politécnica Nacional – Quito, Ecuador. Inicio: marzo 2019 – Fin: marzo 2020.
2016. Participación como investigador colaborador en el proyecto CIMNE-INER-EPMRQ (internacional): “Biogas from Slaughterhouse Waste Water treatment for Heating Purpose”. Responsable: Dr. Peter Viebahn – Escuela Politécnica Nacional – Quito, Ecuador. Inicio: 8 de septiembre 2016 – Fin: 21 julio 2017.